Useful Links
Here we have a list of useful websites that provides information about specific cancers and other practical help:
Brain Tumour Trust- Information about brain tumours, diagnosis and treatment
Cancer Research UK- for general information about cancers (Adult and Children)
Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group- for information about all children's cancers and leukaemias and support groups
CLIC sargent - UK based cancer charity for children, young people and their families
Ellen Macarthur Cancer Trust "inspires young people aged 8-24 to believe in a brighter future living through and beyond cancer.
Headsmart- brain tumour awareness in children
Macmillan Cancer Support- wide range of information about all cancers
Mosaic- Dorset based bereavement charity
Piam Brown Ward - Children's cancer and haematology ward, Southampton Children's Hospital
Remap- for specialist equipment for people with disabilities
Robbiesrehab - local fund within Southampton Hospital Charity providing specialist medical professionals to help children and their families with recovery following treatment for a brain tumour
Teenager and Young Adults with Cancer- cancer support for young people
Youth Cancer Trust- support and activity holidays for young people with cancer aged 14 - 30